
Posts tagged "python"

  1. Populate Custom User Attributes When Signing Up Using Django Allauth -21 Mar, 2024
  2. Robust Full-Stack Authentication with Django Allauth, Rest Framework, and React -04 Sep, 2024
  3. Encode base64 in JavaScript and Decode in Python: Part 1 -14 Oct, 2023
  4. Encode base64 in JavaScript and Decode in Python: Part 2 -15 Oct, 2023
  5. Generate DKIM key pairs in Python -15 Sep, 2024
  6. Generate good looking PDFs with WeasyPrint and Jinja2 -10 Jan, 2024
  7. Build an intuitive CLI app with Python argparse -10 Oct, 2024
  8. Understanding Python Decorators thanks to Django -14 Oct, 2024
  9. Use Python partial objects to write cleaner higher order functions -14 Oct, 2023
  10. Verify Paddle Billing Webhook Signatures in Python -11 Jan, 2024